Over the River and Through the Woods:
To play “Over the River and
Through the Woods,” you need to know how to play A, D, E7, and B7
chords (see Chapter 4 for the A and D chords and the section on the
four-finger version of E7 and B7, earlier in this chapter); how to strum in
6/8 time (see the following paragraph); and the way to Grandma’s house
(in case your horse stumbles and you need to shoot it).
The 6/8 time signature has a lilting feel to it — sort of as though the music
has a gallop or limp. “When Johnny Comes Marching Home Again” is
another familiar song that you play in 6/8 time. (See Appendix A for more
information on time signatures.) Count only two beats per measure —
not six (unless you want to sound like a rabbit that’s had three cups of
coffee). Use the four-finger E7 for this song.

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